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Dale Myer

Dale Myer  

    68 trips around the sun                                                                           2022 Baja trip

Personal Info/Bio

After high school I studied electronics at Contra Costa College and earned an AS degree. We were probably some of the last students who studied vacuum tubes for those who remember running down to places that had tube testers. I continued on to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo for a BS degree in Engineering. After graduation in 1979, I went to work for Hewlett-Packard as a field service Engineer working on disc drive units the size of a washing machine that held a whopping 120 megabytes of data. My 5 year old Ipod Touch holds 16 Gigabytes in the palm of my hand. Amazing to be part of the high tech world and really appreciate witnessing the leaps in technology during our lifespan.

After 26+ years, I took the HP early retirement package in late 2005 since Bill & Dave were gone (H & P) and Carly was laying people off left and right, I didn’t need much coaxing to take the deal or go on hoping not to get hit by a layoff.  I started my own business doing what I did for HP and work for myself as a data center consultant and electrical contractor. ( When the economy slowed, so did the calls for data center inspections.  I took several full time jobs in the high tech world focused on energy efficiency in data centers but got laid off twice in workforce reductions due to poor business conditions.  

After 11 years together, I married my high school sweetheart, Julie Skinner (Class of 75) in 1983. Our only daughter Alison was born in 1988. Julie lost a nasty fight with Hodgkins disease in 1989. I never remarried. Alison and I lived in Concord where she graduated from Clayton Valley High and attended DVC but switched to a private trades college. She became a state licensed esthetician and opened her own shop then got married. She's currently a stay at home mom raising two kids.

I enjoy local ocean fishing for salmon and trips out of San Diego searching for larger fish like Yellow Fin Tuna.  I’ve always loved the outdoors and was introduced to gold panning back in the mid 80’s but never had time for it. I’ve learned the art of gold prospecting and metal detecting with a local club and love to head up to the mother lode.

Shown above is my (3rd) slobbery pal Callahan who had turned 11. That's pretty amazing for a large breed dog (Bloodhound) that are lucky to make 8 or 9. He's probably 100 in Bloodhound years and has less gray than me and yes he looks annoyed for having to pose for another birthday picture (2006). He paused to pose in the last picture while enjoying his 2007 birthday bone. We had to put him down this early in 2008 due to age related ailments. Still think about getting puppy number 4 to keep my golden retriever company. 

Also shown above are my grandkids.  I reside over in Concord at the Concord Outpost and am happily semi-retired. 

Hope to see everybody at the next reunion! (See the reunion page for details).

Contact Info:

If you enjoy reading bio's please send us yours! Don't forget to send a picture!  


Snail mail:

Dale Myer
P.O. Box 153
Clayton, CA 94517